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Global Sajo as the World’s Best! We float the boat of hope for prosperous future.

Sajo is a global company leading the food culturevia changes and innovation. Global Company Leading Food Culture | Korea’s leading company in branded refrigerated fresh foods Korea’s leading company in branded refrigerated fresh foods 1. Korea’s no. 1 in fishcakes and crab-flavored fish sticks 2. Korea’s no. 1 in logistics competitiveness for refrigerated fresh foods 3. Processing business for fresh foods and fishery foods  Korea’s leading company in branded fresh foods and animal source foods | Korea’s leading company in food resources business viavertical integration : Product credibility secured bythe business structure of vertical integration from raw materials to retail sales 1. Livestock : Grains → Fodder→ Breeding→ Butchery → Processing → Logistics → Sales, 2. Fishery : Fishing→Processing → Logistics→ Sales
